
Women Who Worked for Romney: Faux Binder Controversy Ridiculous

Women who worked under Mitt Romney when he was Governor of Massachusetts are speaking out against the latest "binders full of women" faux controversy. As Romney said during the presidential debate Tuesday night, he had more women in high power positions during his time as governor than any other governor in the country, yet liberals are desperately trying to continue their pathetic "war on women" meme.

“He totally gets working women, especially working women like myself who had two young kids,” Ellen Roy Herzfelder, a former state secretary of environmental affairs, says in the 30-second ad.

Kerry Healey, Romney’s former lieutenant governor, said 10 of the 20 top positions in the administration were filled by women -- more than any other state in the nation.

“Mitt Romney had a commitment to making sure women were properly represented in his administration,” Healey, now a Romney campaign adviser, told Fox News. She also explained the initiative was part of a campaign promise.

As a reminder, President Obama pays women less than men in his White House.

Female employees in the Obama White House make considerably less than their male colleagues, records show.

According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).