
"Hollywood" Al Franken Falling Further ...


We continue our coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate races by looking at Al Franken's failing campaign in MN.

As TPM reports
"The round of negative stories about Al Franken's failure to properly pay business taxes in all the states he was active now appears to be damaging him and endangering his effort to oust Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN), a new poll finds.

The latest numbers from Rasmussen, compared to last month:

Coleman (R) 50% ( 2)
Franken (D) 43% (-3)
National Democrats have viewed this seat as a top pickup opportunity, but unless Franken can figure out a way to deal with his travails, the bad publicity hitting him may cause Dems to squander the chance to oust one of the GOP's most vulnerable incumbents."

Maybe lying to voters isn't a good campaign strategy???