
Celebrating Reagan's Famous Line

The Washington Times has a nice piece today about the 20th anniversary of President Reagan's famous Berlin speech -- and Young America's Foundation's effort to celebrate the anniversary at the Reagan Ranch:

... Michael Medved will broadcast his nationally syndicated radio program from the center, which will host a screening of "In the Face of Evil," a two-hour documentary film telling the story of Mr. Reagan's struggle against the Soviet Union. Mr. Medved will then interview Mr. Robinson onstage during an evening cocktail reception.

The $10 million Reagan Ranch Center, a four-story Spanish-mission-style stucco facility in downtown Santa Barbara, is known as "the schoolhouse for Reaganism."

YAF purchased the Reagan Ranch, 20 miles north of the city, in 1998. The ranch's remote location in the Santa Ynez Mountains and YAF's desire to preserve its historic condition -- with just a 1,500-square-foot adobe house -- led the organization to seek a nearby facility for offices, classrooms, a theater and a museum, Mr. Coffin explained.

Don't forget, to help celebrate this occastion, you can still get your FREE Reagan poster from YAF!