
CPAC: The Romney Picture Post

Mrs. Romney visits.

Shaking babies.

More Mitt Army members.

Romney made the press rounds on radio row and on Bloggers' Row, which I think did him some good. Rudy, it should be noted, did not face the questions. Romney had the Mitt Army buzzing around him the whole time and attracted quite a crowd. Here's what he had to say to bloggers.

What do you think about the early start to the '08 race?

"It's amazing, isn't it? We've got a lot today of the feelings that we had when Ronald Reagan first appeared at CPAC...People want to see real leadership that will actually change Washington."

"[The fiscal/social conservative] coalition is the right way to get back on track."

"I will change Washington. I changed businesses I was involved in. I changed the Olympics. I changed the state of Massachusetts against pretty big odds."

What aboout your conversion on life issues?

"Ronald Reagan was someone who was pro-chocie who became pro-life...Sen. Zel Miller made the same change, and I have taken the same course myself."

Would you support a national assault weapons ban or veto it?

"It depends on what it look like...I support the second amendment, but I also support an assault weapons ban. I have the same position as George Bush."

There was an effort to ban  the .50 caliber in Massachusetts. I wouldoppose that. I did oppose that."

"We have to be careful of stripping second Amendment rights in any way."


"You have to have people who are willing to follow the wall."

Drops the right names-- Alito, Roberts.