
Battle Brewing in Maryland?

It looks like conservative Maryland state senator Andrew Harris is preparing to challenge RINO Congressman Wayne Gilchrest

According to Roll Call:

State Sen. Andrew Harris (R) created an exploratory committee late last week, meaning he’s another step closer to challenging Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R) in the Feb. 12 Republican primary and can begin raising money.

“During the last month, I have received hundreds of phone calls from Republicans across the First Congressional District asking me to consider running for Congress,” Harris said in a statement. “The grassroots support has inspired me to take this next step in the process.”

Harris, a leading conservative in the Legislature, has been critical of the moderate Gilchrest on several fronts, particularly on the Congressman’s support for Democratic measures to withdraw troops from Iraq.

My sources tell me Harris is already in the mail with prospect letters, so this looks like it's going to happen.  Additionally, Harris fits the district (which is conservative), better than the incumbent.

I've met Harris.  He's the real deal.  And unlike the candidates who have challenged Gilchrest in the past, Harris looks to have the credibility and organization to launch a serious challenge.  Stay tuned ...