
Flashback: Obama Introduces Biden as "Next President"

Lefties are chuckling over Mitt Romney's inadvertent introduction of Paul Ryan as "the next President of the United States," only to laughingly and self-deprecatingly correct himself moments later.  The great Barack Obama would never make such a silly mistake -- especially at such an important moment -- right?  Here's Obama introducing his Vice Presidential selection for the first time in 2008:

Biden promptly referred to his running mate as, er, "Barack America:"

Silly flubs happen, and they don't matter.  Jitters are human.  The Romney/Ryan roll-out was solid.  And now, three months of ideological warfare.

UPDATE - The race to define Paul Ryan is on.  Rasmussen Reports shows that fully 42 percent of unaffiliated voters have no impression whatsoever of Ryan at this moment.  If there's anyone on planet earth I'd want to see tasked with defining Paul Ryan and his ideas to the public, it's...Paul Ryan.