
War on Working Mothers: Obama Attacks Stay At Home Moms as Not Working

President Obama officially repeated the liberal idea that staying at home to raise children isn't real "work," and tried to portray himself and Michelle Obama as victims who couldn't "afford the luxury" of Michelle Obama not "working," when their daughters were born, before all of the Hilary Rosen news broke. Obama took an indirect shot at Ann Romney last week when he spoke at the White House Forum on Women.



Speaking Friday at what the administration called “The White House Forum on Women and the Economy,” President Barack Obama said that after his two daughters were born, he and his wife—both Harvard Law School graduates—could not afford the “luxury” of having her stay home with the children.

In 2005, when Obama began serving in the U.S. Senate (and his daughters turned 4 and 7), he and his wife were earning a combined annual income of $479,062. Barack Obama was paid a salary of $162,100 by the U.S. taxpayers, and Michelle Obama was paid $316,962 to handle community affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center.

The issue here is not whether mothers should or should not choose to stay at home and raise their children. The issue here is not whether mothers should or should  not choose to have a career instead of raising children. The issue here is not whether women should or should not choose to have a career and raise children at the same time. The issue here is: Liberals like Hilary Rosen and Barack Obama, do not see staying home to raise a family as "work."

By the way, guess who is really good at raising multiple children and having a high powered career? Sarah Palin.