
Dem Infighting

A reputable source tells  Big Labor is "in a panic" because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid isn't ready to call up a vote on the Employee Free Choice Act, known as "card check" to its opponents.

Apparently, Reid won't put it on the calendar unless he has the votes. If you're wondering which Democrats might defect, all you have to do is look at the ones who are up in 2010.

Labor is now running ads to retaliate.

This ad, for example, just went up in Colorado for "American Rights at Work" which is a lefty, labor front group:

For a Change - ARW"  :30

Cafeteria worker:  "I hope to work just one job for a change"

Manufacturing worker:  "I hope to have some health care for a change"

Restaurant cook "I hope to be able to save a little for a change"

Voiceover:  "We voted on election day for hope and change.  Now it's time for action.  The Employee Free Choice Act lets workers choose to join a union for better pay, health benefits and job security.  The Employee Free Choice Act.  It's time the economy worked for everyone, again."

Note all the use of the word "change" over and over again. This is, probably, to put the pressure back on Barack Obama to get the bill done. It's one of several that he promised he would do first once he becomes President.