
Oh My: Democratic Congressman Slaps Republican Opponent's Hand During Debate

This clip comes from a House debate in Colorado's 7th Congressional District -- a race we profiled last month.  During a tense discussion on Obamacare, Democratic Rep. Ed Perlmutter lightly slaps the hand of Republican challenger Ryan Frazier, who's disputing Permutter's (incorrect) assertion that the bill includes meaningful tort reform:

Frazier--seeming a bit shocked--says, "Ed, don't hit me, man.  Come on."  The Congressman immediately recognizes what he'd done and apologizes.  Credit to Frazier for playing it cool, making his opponent look foolish and reckless, and moving on. 

The optics of this exchange are, needless to say, horrible for Perlmutter.  I don't have to tell you why, if the two candidates' political parties were reversed, this small act would generate an enormous controversy. 

(h/t NRO)

UPDATE: I'd imagine the Denver Post isn't regretting its surprising endorsement of Frazier in this race.