
Democrat Blues in Blagoland As Republican Brady's Lead Widens

In Illinois' first gubernatorial election since Rod Blagojevich was indicted, impeached, and convicted (on at least one count thus far), voters appear to be eager for big changes.  That trend does not bode well for the state's Democrats, particularly Blago's successor and current Governor, Pat Quinn:

Republican Bill Brady earns his highest level of support yet against Democratic incumbent Pat Quinn in Illinois’ gubernatorial contest, moving this race from a Toss-Up to Solid GOP in the Election 2010 Gubernatorial Scorecard

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state, with leaners included, finds Brady picking up 50% of the vote, while Quinn earns 37% support.
Rasmussen has the Illinois Senate battle much closer, with Republican Mark Kirk barely edging failed mob banker Alexi Giannoulias in the latest poll.  (Giannoulias, we now know, launched his Senate campaign from his family's Chicago bank, which has since been seized by the federal government, partially due to Alexi's egregious mismanagement as senior loan officer).

If Kirk and Giannoulias are still virtually tied on election day, Brady's coattails could help push Kirk and down-ballot Republicans over the top in tighter contests.  National Democrats may be tempted to pull out of the Illinois Governor's race because of Quinn's horrid polling position and 35 percent job approval.  If they do, however, Brady could run up his margins and help cull precious votes away from down-ballot Democrats.  Tough call, Dems: Is it worth pouring more money into a race that's all but over just to keep the margin close and protect the rest of your ticket?

Looking at it another way, it's simply remarkable that Democrats even have to make such a calculation in a state Barack Obama won by 25 points two short years ago