
Reid Ain't Goin' Nowhere

RNC head Michael Steele, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) all called for Reid's resignation after his disgusting comments about President Obama were revealed over the weekend.

But the Majority Leader is standing his ground. From Politico:

“He has no intention of stepping down as majority leader,” Reid spokesman Jim Manley said. “Unlike others who advocate moving our nation backwards, and viewing this moment for political gain, he’s working, today, tomorrow and the next day to move our country forward.”

“Mr. Steele and Sen. Cornyn want Reid out because they know they can’t beat Reid” in November, Manley said.

Well.... yes. Of course they want Reid out. But they also want a level of consistency with Democratic political leaders on race -- i.e., why condemn Republican Trent Lott, and the arrest of the Cambridge professor, while immediately forgiving one of their own?

Reid's spokesman would've done better to address the issue of Reid's resignation head-on -- why he's thoughtfully considered it, for example, but ruled it out. But that would've meant admitting that there might be consequences to one's words.