
What's Hot Monday

What are the most popular stories around the web this morning?  Townhall does the surfing so you don't have to.

New York Times:  Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes

Los Angeles Times:  Palin: Wrong Women, Wrong Message

Time Magazine:  Wall St. Awakes to 2 Firms Falling

Slate:  What's the Matter With Canada

US News & World Report: John McCain, Prisoner of War: A First-Person Account

Wall Street Journal:  Crisis on Wall Street as Lehman Totters

ABC News:  Wall Street Awakes to 2 Storied Firms Falling

Politico: Palin Hit Hard on the Sunday Shows

CNN:  Changes Rock Wall Street

Newsweek:  McCain, Obama Dead Even

Houston Chronicle:  'Crazy Hardhead' Stays Behind in Surfside

Boston Globe:  Seeing Through Obamanomics

Philadelphia Inquirer: Obama's Change Could Cost Big Bucks

New York Post:  Obama Tried to Stall GI's Iraq Withdrawal

FOX News:  Nearly 2,000 Rescued in Texas After Ike; 28 Dead

Denver Post: Broncos Win Thriller

Chicago Tribune:  Tina Fey Out-Palined Sarah Palin on 'SNL'

And on this morning:
         Austin Hill: "The Central Question:" Will Obama Be Scrutinized Next?
         Mike S. Adams: F.A.S.H.I.S.T!
         Robert Knight: WSJ Fails to Identify GOP-Bashing Author as Gay Activist
         Star Parker: Barney Frank and the Politics of Family Values
         Dinesh D. Souza: Who Speaks For Islam