
Akin Needs to Go

Everyone --- everyone! -- from Mitt Romney to Ron Johnson to Barack Obama has denounced Todd Akin's unbelievable remarks about rape and pregnancy.

Some are raising the possibility that Akin should simply remove himself from the race and avoid doing more damage -- to the pro-life cause, to GOP hopes of retaking the Senate, to Missouri's hopes of replacing Obama-Claire McCaskill with a senator who represents mainstream Missouri values.

Akin SHOULD resign.  There are two good candidates Akin defeated in the primary -- after McCaskill interfered in it to help secure Akin's win for this very reason. Either could beat McCaskill.

Up until now, Akin probably could have, too (although he himself would probably have lost in 2018 when MO Dems would have been able to field a stronger challenger).  Now he cannot.

What's more, speaking as a pro-life woman (and a native St. Louisan whose parents lived in the district Akin represented), his remarks are disgraceful, insensitive and ignorant.  He needs to step down, and not allow himself to be presented to America as a potential Republican "leader" of any sort.