
Outlook Not Good

Conservative Republican Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (Mich.) says the future of the GOP's House Leadership depends on how many GOP seats are lost in November.

If more than 10 GOP seats go blue, McCotter expects people to start asking Minority Leader John Boenher and Whip Roy Blunt to step aside.

"Everybody's waiting for the number to know what is possible or not possible if they're shooting at Boehner, if they're shooting at Blunt, if they're shooting at anyone," he told the Washington Times. "But they're not going to be out there making calls, they're going to wait until the number comes in."

This is a warning to start thinking who you'd like to be the next House leaders if it's a slaughter. Pence? Shadegg? McCotter? Campbell? Bachmann? Cantor? Blackburn? Put some names in the comments.

McCotter is currently Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee.

In the interview McCotter bashed John McCain for assisting in the passage of the bailout bill because it tied him so closely to the Bush Administration.  "He couldn't have taken a branding iron and put it on his forehead any better," he said.

McCotter said the future of the Republican Party lies with those who opposed the bailout.