
Rahm Accepts Chief of Staff Slot

Rahm Emanuel's biggest liberal fans are probably going to be disappointed. He has accepted Obama's invitation to become his Chief of Staff.

Why do I think they are going to be disappointed?

Chief of Staff is not a high-profile spot for the brash Chicago politician who made his bones taking down Republicans. The liberals have lost one of their fiercest leaders to the Administration.

As Chief of Staff Emanuel will have LESS influence than he did in the House, since he will be officially serving Obama. Not the party or himself. Emanuel will not "be his own brand." He belongs to Obama now.

This, of course, is probably good for conservatives. There are probably some House Republicans who are happy to see the foul-mouthed Emanuel go!

UPDATE:MSNBC is taking back their report Emanuel accepted the position. I'll keep you posted...

Update: One of our commenters wanted to know more about who Emanuel is. I wrote more details about his background in a post earlier today. HERE it is.