
'Too Early' to 'Too Close' in IN, Obama On in NC

MSNBC says Indiana has now changed from "too early" to call to "too close" to call. Stay tuned...

Now, Obama's on stage in NC. No Abercrombie boys behind him today, MKH. Just a blue-shirted polo wearing boy and some moms in pink.  Oddly, they're all white which seems strange since he just won NC with the black vote.

He's making a bunch of unity pitches. "Ultimately this race is not about Hillary Clinton, it is not about Barack Obama, it is not about John McCain," Obama says. "It is about you."

Goes on about going forward as a "united Democratic party" and we "cannot afford to let John McCain serve out George Bush's third term." Says the "planet is in peril," bashes tax breaks for CEO's and health care for the "healthy and the wealthy."

I dunno about you guys, but Obama's speech sounds a little off today. Sort of stuttery here and there like he's unsure of the next line.