
Why I Never Drank the Fred Thompson Kool-Aid

While my analysis isn't always perfect, looking back, I think I was right about Fred Thompson's, chances -- especially considering how many people were jumping on the Thompson bandwagon this spring.  Here are some old posts I just dug up ...

On April 11, I wrote "Missing the Thompson Zeitgeist":

A friend of mine describes Fred Thompson as a "stud," but, for now, I'm not convinced.

While everyone is happy that he is well, I'm not one of those conservatives who is on the Thompson for President bandwagon ... not yet, anyway.  Heck, he's not even my favorite character on Law and Order ...

On April 24, I wrote ...

I keep trying to self-analyze exactly why I'm not buying into the Fred Thompson hype.

Logically, I would argue that 1. His popularity has more to do with discontent over the current crop of GOP candidates than with him, and 2. His record, while fine, is not substantially more conservative than the other candidates.

So it appears to me that the main thing a lot of conservatives like about him is ... style.

Ironically, this is precisely the area where (I believe) Thompson is weak. Let me explain...

And on April 25, I wrote ...

Over at NRO's the Corner, Ramesh Ponnuru writes:

Matt Lewis isn't sure it will wear well. But he gives, I think, short shrift to the way Thompson has managed to become a celebrity without losing his dignity. In our culture, that should count as an accomplishment.

I agree that Fred Thompson has become a dignified celebrity.  In all honesty, I'll admit to playing devil's advocate, a bit, when it comes to Thompson.  When I see everyone else in the movement drinking the Kool-Aid on someone, I get a little scared.  I don't think it's good to ordain anyone, just yet ...