
Camp Lejeune Ballerinas Win!

I wrote about the Camp Lejeune Ballerinas last week:

At first I thought, "wait, there are ballerinas at Camp Lejeune?" The answer is, "sure there are." They're the daughters of Marines, and many of their daddies are deployed.

As part of their spring recital, the girls want to perform-- seriously, it's hard to type this without tearing up, it's so darn cute-- "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree With Anyone Else But Me" while singing and dancing with life-sized cut-outs of their deployed fathers. The cut-outs are $99 each, and the girls, ages 3-8, will get to take them home with them.

A Soldier's Perspective's bloggers had pledged to give their $3,000 winnings in this milblogger contest to the little dancers if they should win. And, they did win!

So, congrats to A Soldier's Perspective, conograts to the worthy competitors who were conquered by cutenenss, and congrats most of all to the Camp Lejeune Ballerinas. And, thanks to any Townhall voters who threw a vote their way. I may go down to N.C. just to tape this recital, it sounds so good.