
Boehner Recommits, Wants to Keep His Post

There are always rumors about new leadership after a party gets swatted and it looks like House Minority Leader John Boehner is trying to get ahead of the talk.

He sent a letter to his Republican colleagues today to boost spirits and to ask for their support as Leader.

"It’s time for the losing to stop," the letter said. "And my commitment to you is that it will." He mentioned the fights he has led for offshore drilling, to support the "Petraeus surge" and to control spending proposals advocated by the Democrats.

The letter also recognized potential Leader contender Rep. Mike Pence (R.-Ind.), a man who was widely supported by grassroots conservatives to become Leader in the last leadership election, but only earned a disappointing 27 votes for the position in the end.

"The energy protest started by Mike Pence, Tom Price, Lynn Westmoreland and others last August was an historic event that gave Americans perhaps the most vivid glimpse of our potential.  While Democrats were on vacations and book tours, we stayed in town demanding a vote, defying expectations and putting the country’s interests ahead of our own.  We showed Americans we stand with them."