
$465 Million In Federal Money Given To Foreign Car Manufacturer That Produces Nothing But $109,000 Roadsters

This is what happens when you put the government in charge. Fisker Automotive Inc. only makes cars that are "status symbols" for celebrities. The company isn't even BASED in the United States -- it's based in Finland. Yet they were delivered a $465 million check by none other than Al Gore, who lobbied on the company's behalf because they are his friends have groundbreaking electric car technology.

No one except extremely wealthy individuals are even in a position to purchase the machines built with this technology, as their average Roadster costs $109,000. Here's Fisker's defense:
...a "detailed technical review"...concluded the company could eventually deliver a highly fuel-efficient hybrid car to a mass audience. Fisker said most of its DOE loan will be used to finance U.S. production of a $40,000 family sedan that has yet to be designed.