
Miss CA: 'It's Not About Being Politically Correct; For Me, It Was Being Biblically Correct.'

Miss California exhibits real class, true tolerance and authentic compassion.

Perez is interviewed by "Today's" Matt Lauer before Miss CA. Perez concludes that "Jesus is offensive" and "she [Miss CA] should have left politics and religion out." Huh? It was political--and for most Americans--a religious question. This "guy" is a clown. 

BTW: I am still waiting for the cowardly in-cahoots media to ask Perez Hilton, "Do you think it is appropriate for a judge to call one of the contestants a 'stupid b-tch?'" I'm not holding my breath.

UPDATE: Atheist blogger "Allahpundit" is moved by Miss Prejean: "Good lord. Between her beauty, her stand on principle, and her serenity after such a crushing disappointment, even I’m ready to convert."

UPDATE: Miss Prejean was just asked the "taxpayer bailout" question that the pageant winner was asked--she disagrees with her. Here is her 30 second answer.

H/T: Breitbart

Miss CA on MSNBC: I Will Be Praying For Perez. I Feel Sorry For Him. He's Angry & Hurt.