
Al Jazeera Shows Tape of bin Laden and 9/11 Hijackers


The Arab television channel Al-Jazeera broadcast a video which it said showed Osama bin Laden and suicide candidates of Al-Qaeda preparing the September 11, 2001 attacks against the United States.

Al-Jazeera had said earlier it would broadcast "a video that included scenes showing for the first time Al-Qaeda leaders preparing the September 11 attacks and practicing for their execution."

The video showed Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and two of the 19 Islamist militants that took part in the attacks, Saudi nationals Hamza el-Ramdi and Wael el-Shemari.

They spoke of the situation faced by Muslims in Bosnia and Chechnya.

Fifteen of the 19 attackers on September 11 were Saudis, and Al-Jazeera said it had only aired a few minutes of a document which it said lasted about an hour and a half.

Hot Air for rolling updates and video. He's got CNN coverage clips right now, but will have the original later.


The video was produced by al Qaeda's media arm as Sahab. Earlier today as Sahab had announced on an Islamist message board that it would release a "September 11th" video on the internet soon.

Update:  Ian has the Al-Jazeera version of the video.