
I Hope That Someone Gets My Message ... in a Bottle of Hair Tonic

Hey, isn't this the stuff we're always beating up John Edwards about?

What kinds of things do you think of when you hear "communications consulting"?

Speechwriting? Message strategy?

Well, "communications consulting" is how presidential candidate Mitt Romney recorded $300 in payments to a California company that describes itself as "a mobile beauty team for hair, makeup and men's grooming and spa services."

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden confirmed that the payments -- actually two separate $150 charges -- were for makeup, though he said the former Massachusetts governor had only one session with Hidden Beauty of West Hills, Calif. That was before the May 3 Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., co-sponsored by MSNBC and The Politico.
The truth is that it's not uncommon for candidates to pay for hair and makeup. In fact, it's probably smart. But it sure doesn't sound good (which is no doubt why it was reported as "communications consulting.") Moreover, it's also hard to criticize John Edwards for this sort of stuff, when we may have our own "Brett Breck boy."

The haircut, along with the more serious David Vitter scandal, points out a bit of potential hypocrisy. More and more, it seems, Republicans are guilty of the same things we criticize the Democrats of. In this case, it's not a very serious matter -- but that didn't stop Republicans from mocking Edwards ...

By the way, this is what happens when the media (and your opponents) pour through your FEC reports.

Say what you will about John McCain, but he never needed a hair stylist...

Update - 9:20: John Kerry is now calling Romney a "flip-flopper."