
Iron My Shirt

I'm still at the Hillary rally. My computer battery died.

Two protestors just stood up in the audience holding orange signs that read "IRON MY SHIRT," and chanted "Iron my shirt, Iron my shirt" for a few seconds until led out by security.

She said, "Obviously the remnants of sexism are alive and well."

The crowd stood and cheered loudly to drown out the protestors. A few minutes later, she went back to the well with uncharacteristic humor:

"We talk about a lot of issues, and we'll talk about more tonight. If anyone out there would like me to explain to them how to iron their own shirt, I can do that."

She got a good laugh, and went on to talk about breaking the glass ceiling, to another standing "O".

Update: Is it just me, or is an overtly sexist attack of this nature-- something we haven't seen in the campaign yet to my knowledge-- just a little odd and almost too perfect? She's having a rough time of it in New Hampshure, she cries at a campaign stop, and along come two trogolodytic sexists whom she can vanquish with her grrrl power. Just seemed like a really odd attack to me. Heh, I think I'm "questioning the timing."

Update:Allah's been tracking down info on the perps and has some evidence that it might have been a radio show stunt.