
Master of the Trivial

Reports emerge that the Obama administration denied Ambassador Christopher Stevens' requests for more security before the ambassador was murdered last month in a terrorist attack.  Lara Logan notes the re-emergence of the Talban and Al Qaeda.  Mitt Romney offers a substantive major foreign policy address.

The Obama administration has offered no new plan for addressing the crisis overseas.  No new plan to address the faltering economy.  No second term agenda, in fact.  And in the wake of the President's debate defeat at the hands of Mitt Romney last Wednesday, this is the response: To focus on Big Bird:

Because of all the major issues that confront us, subsidizing Big Bird (despite a plethora of licensing opportunities) is the one that the President deems most worthy of a response. How pathetic.  How desperate.  How trivial.

UPDATE: PBS has asked that the President take the ad down.