
$300 Million for GOLF CARTS/ Hybrids in Stimulus


$300 million has been allocated in the stimulus bill for modern golf carts and other forms of environmentally friendly modes of transportation.

The Democrats thought they could fool you by renaming the money earmarked for golf carts in the stimulus bill as paying for  "neighborhood electric vehicles” and “low speed motor vehicles."

Industry people call 'em NEV's for short. Most people call them golf carts.

$300 million is being allocated by the Senate to buy "NEV's" and other forms of environmentally friendly transportation like hybrid cars.

It's right on page 96 of the massive 778-page bill. Go ahead and look it up. Here is what it says:

ENERGY-EFFICIENT FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE FLEET PROCUREMENT: For capital expenditures and necessary expenses of acquiring motor vehicles with higher fuel economy, including: hybrid vehicles; neighborhood electric vehicles; electric vehicles; and commercially-available, plug-in hybrid vehicles, $300,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2011.