
CBS: 'Souter Evolved Into One Of The Court's More Liberal Justices.'

After his "evolved" comment, CBS Early Show "news" correspondent Wyatt Andrews reported that "Obama specifically promised to appoint justices who are pro-abortion rights." Immediately, CBS played a clip of Obama on the campaign trail--OBAMA: "That's why I am committed to appointing judges who understand how our laws operate in our daily lives, judges who will uphold the core values of our Constitution, that's why I won't back down when it comes to defending the freedom of women."

All the too-cool-for-school, individualist, independent, narcicistic, keepin' it real, pat yourself on the back, I'm my own person "conservatives" who voted for Obama will begin to reap the rotten fruits of their vote -- if they haven't already.

PS: If you haven't, there is a good chance you are not a conservative.