
A Career Plan for Me

I think I might write a mom book.

Fishbowl DC is always a good read, by the way.

While I was there, I not only got my career planned-- I found out about a "Newshour with Jim Lehrer"-themed birthday party for a 3-year-old. Seriously.

As a baby, he became fascinated by the show's sparkling trumpet theme and took to calling it the "da-da-da" show. Now he recognizes many Cabinet and Supreme Court members, and he adores the banter of Mark Shields and David Brooks .

But his favorite is veteran anchor Lehrer -- or "Jimmy Jimmy BoBo."

"I don't know why he enjoys it," said Jennifer Schally. "It's not flashy, it's not quick. Just somehow he relates to Jim."

And, I found Chris Matthews swinging and missing on this Plame-related correction.