
McCain Joins Standing Ovation for Bush at Catholic Breakfast

Speaking to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast this morning, President Bush noted that scientific discoveries now mean adult stem cells will do -- and that we won't have to destroy human life. 

Here's the quote:

Last November, scientists discovered a way to reprogram adult skin cells to act like embryonic stem cells. This is a significant breakthrough, because science -- scientists have found a path that can lead beyond the divisive debates of the past -- and extend the healing potential of medicine without destroying human life. (Applause.)

Bush's comments drew a standing ovation -- and  John McCain -- who was seated in the front row -- was among the applauders.

This is interesting, inasmuch as McCain -- who has always had a solid anti-abortion record -- has nevertheless supported federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. 

This makes me wonder:  If the issue were still on the table, would it have undermined McCain's argument that he was the most Pro-Life candidate running?

And has science rid us of a divisive political issue?