
Culture of Corruption, Continued

Breitbart strikes again:

Shock Audio: Facing ‘Obligations’ From Leadership, Democrat Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail for Lobbyist Cash

A couple weeks ago, House Member Eleanor Holmes Norton made a fundraising call to a lobbyist. The lobbyist wasn’t available, so Holmes Norton left a voicemail.

We have been given a copy of that message.

At the risk of being called a racist for pointing this out, the Congressional Black Caucus seems to be an especially fertile breeding ground for rank corruption these days.  Between allegations of tax evasion (Rangel), banking-related conflicts of interest (Waters), unethical nepotism (Johnson and Bishop), and thinly-veiled bribery solicitations (Norton), the CBC has garnered quite a bit of negative attention these days.  If Nancy Pelosi ever gets around to "draining the swamp" before she's likely relieved of her gavel next January, I think it's becoming obvious where she ought to start.

UPDATE: Awaiting an accusation from Emanuel Cleaver that I used the N-word "15 times" in this post.