Tomorrow's CODE RED rally at the Capitol is being organized by the American Grassroots Coalition, Tea Party Express, The Doctor-Patient Medical Association, FreedomWorks and the Heartland Institute and will feature conservative members of Congress, including Reps. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Mike Pence (Ind.), Joe "You Lie!" Wilson (S.C.) and Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.).
The leaked memo was emailed to freshman and sophomore Democratic congressmen earlier today from Pelosi staffer Doug Thornell. Titled "Tea Party Etiquette," the message (click here for full text) advises Dems on how to respond to tomorrow's event:
My favorite part:As many of you have read, tomorrow, Tuesday, March 16, 2010, tens of thousands of conservative and Tea Party activists will be on the Hill as part of what they are dubbing a "Surge Against Obamacare." ...
Many of the conservative activists are not opposing the actual provisions in the bill, but are instead reacting to a caricature of the reform bill presented by right-wing media outlets...