
TIME Magazine: Yeah, Most Media Wants Stricter Gun Control Laws

Well, at least he's being honest. TIME Magazine editor-at-large Mark Helperin was recently on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell and admitted that the vast majority of major news outlets believe in and are pushing for more gun control. Helperin also said efforts to push for more gun control are not representative of the will of the American people, further proving just how out of touch the "mainstream" media is with the rest of America. H/T Media Research Center

Support for new gun control measures in America is at an all time low, that includes support for the "assault" weapons or more accurately described as semi-automatic weapons ban. From Gallup:

For the first time, Gallup finds greater opposition to than support for a ban on semiautomatic guns or assault rifles, 53% to 43%. In the initial asking of this question in 1996, the numbers were nearly reversed, with 57% for and 42% against an assault rifle ban. Congress passed such a ban in 1994, but the law expired when Congress did not act to renew it in 2004. Around the time the law expired, Americans were about evenly divided in their views.


Additionally, support for the broader concept of making gun laws "more strict" is at its lowest by one percentage point (43%). Forty-four percent prefer that gun laws be kept as they are now, while 11% favor less strict laws.
