
LIVE OPEN THREAD: Alabama, Mississippi, and Hawaii

Another Tuesday, another slate of Republican nominating contests.  ABC News' Amy Walters has the basics:

1. States/Territories Voting:  Alabama, Mississippi, Hawaii and American Samoa

2. Total delegates at stake: 119 – 75 percent of which come from Alabama and Mississippi

3. Earliest poll closing: 8 p.m. (Alabama/Mississippi)

4. Latest poll closing: 2 a.m. (Hawaii)

5. Recent Polls: The most recent polls in Alabama and Mississippi show tight three-way contests in both states.

To her last point, it's neck-and-neck in the deep south, while Hawaii polling is hard to come by.  A few points to consider as the night progresses:

(a) Might Team Santorum be (somewhat paradoxically) be rooting for a Romney sweep tonight, forcing Newt out?

(b) Will Santorum get any mileage out of his Fox News is in the tank for Romney allegation?

(c) Will any of this shake up the delegate count enough to dislodge the Romney juggernaut?

Follow Townhall/Hot Air's live team coverage on our election night page and in our aggregated Twitter feed below -- and as always, you're welcome to add your two cents (or more) in the comments section. 



Stay tuned for a recap post at the end of the evening.