
Tea Party Sent Walker to Victory

For months we've been told the Tea Party is dead. It's over. The Tea Party has lost its influence. We haven't "seen big rallies" like we used to.

If you're wondering where the Tea Party has been for the past few months, last night's recall election in Wisconsin has your answer. If you're wondering if the Tea Party is still relevant, the answer is a resounding "yes."

Conservative Tea Party group Americans for Prosperity played a crucial role in turning out voters for the Walker recall election, put boots on the ground to walk door to door, organized volunteers and provided crucial funding during the race.

You can bet their efforts didn't stop with Wisconsin and that they're marching toward November. From AFP Wisconsin State Director Luke Hilgemann:

“The future for Wisconsin is bright.  Tonight was a good start on the path forward but our work is far from over. The 2013 budget is just around the corner and tomorrow our work starts to ensure that the gains of the last 18 months are not lost.  Tomorrow we start our efforts to spread the Wisconsin reforms across the country as we highlight the failed policies of President Barack Obama.”