
Gary Bauer Hits Back at Huckabee

Over at HEO, social conservative leader Gary Bauer fired back at Mike Huckabee over comments made in Huckabee's new book:
Huckabee said that during a private meeting we had, “it was like playing whack-a-mole at the arcade -- whatever issue I addressed, another one surfaced as the ‘problem’ that made my candidacy unacceptable.”

In fact, talking with Huckabee was like playing whack-a-mole, because he had a number of issues that posed problems.  It wasn’t just that he didn’t get it on foreign policy.  His record on taxes and spending, illegal immigration, his apparent backing of Al Gore's carbon cap and trade scheme, support for voting rights for Washington, D.C., and cozying up to unions like the NEA all worried me.  Huckabee can call it whack-a-mole.  But for me there were just too many items where he wasn’t sufficiently conservative coupled with a lack of attention and experience on foreign affairs.