
The GOP Class of 2007: We Hardly New Ye ...

With 2007 almost over, it's time to reflect on the GOP candidates who touched our lives -- and ruined our debates -- before dropping out of the race for president this year ...

1.  Jim Gilmore The Grinch Candidate:  As he runs for U.S. Senate in Virginia against Mark Warner, no candidate will be missed less from the presidential field than Jim Gilmore.  Other than advancing the term, "RudyMcRomney," he contributed little to the debate.  Sadly, his quixotic presidential campaign probably also hurt his already diminished reputation in the Commonwealth.

2.  Tommy Thompson - The Jim Croce Candidate: Thompson's campaign proved you can't save time in a bottle.  In the 90s, he was a rock star.  In 2007, not so much ...

3.  Sam Brownback - The "On-Paper" Candidate - Of all the candidates to drop out in 2007, Brownback may have the brightest future.  He has a good shot of being elected Governor of Kansas, and then, who knows?  No doubt, in 2007, Sam Brownback learned a valuable lesson about politics:  That the facts matter less than image.  Though he was clearly the social conservative candidate on paper, he was out-"charisma'd" by Romney and Huckabee.  One wonders if Brownback's exodus has helped Huckabee become the undisputed "Christian candidate."  Additionally, it will be interesting to see if Brownback's endorsement of John McCain will have a lasting impact ...

4.  Tom Tancredo - The Single-Issue Candidate - Credited with heping advance the issue of immigration into the national debate, there was something about the way Tom Tancredo spoke that made one a bit nervous.  I don't mean the positions he took -- as much as I mean his elocution.  While he wasn't ready for the national stage, Tancredo is rumored to be considering a bid for the U.S. Senate. 

Note:  Newt Gingrich "The Tease" candidate - Newt deserves an honorable mention for persuading me to travel to Atlanta, GA two days before he announced he wouldn't be running for president ...

Update:  Tancredo's greatest contribution to the GOP nomination may be endorsing Mitt Romney.