
Watch The CA Supreme Court Hearing On Same-Sex Marriage

For those interested in seeing what took place during the hearing today you can go HERE. I almost felt sorry for the thirty-something year-old lawyers trying to overturn Prop 8 against the brilliant Ken Starr. Even the CA Supreme Court Justices were outmatched. Starr spends most of the time defending part of his thesis arguing that Prop 8 voids ALL California-approved "marriages." This sounds ambitious, I know, but watch how skillful and smart he argues. My favorite part comes about halfway through his deliberation when the Cali judges remark that they already ruled in favor same-sex marriage. Is it fair to go against our decision? Who can the people trust? Dean Starr does not even try to remind the Judges that their decision overturned the will of the Cali people based on a 2000 ballot measure that defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. FYI: Starr begins in the middle of Part 4.