
Flashback: Democrats Praise Obama's 2012 Budget

As I reported below, Democrats are expected to vote against President Obama's budget tonight; it's the only Democratic proposal on paper.  (Update: Obama's propsal has been unanimously rejected by the Senate). They claim it's no longer a relevant document in a post-"vision" world.  But what did many of these same Democrats have to say about the very budget they are poised to defeat when a Democratic President introduced it earlier this year?  Senate Republicans offer this helpful recap:

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV):“President Obama’s budget is a serious attempt…” (Sen. Reid, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY):“This is a responsible proposal… I believe this approach should have bipartisan support.” (Sen. Schumer Press Release, 2/15/11)

SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE):“I am encouraged … I applaud the President for remaining committed to innovation...” (Sen. Coons, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. TOM CARPER (D-DE):“The President's budget is an important step forward…”(Sen. Carper, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. MARIA CANTWELL (D-WA): “I applaud President Obama…” (Sen. Cantwell, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. JEANNE SHAHEEN (D-NH):“…a responsible framework...”(Sen. Shaheen, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. BILL NELSON (D-FL):“I personally think that the President's budget is a step in the right direction.”(U.S. Senate, Finance Committee, Hearing, 2/16/11)

SEN. KENT CONRAD (D-ND):“The President’s budget gets it about right in the first year.” (Sen. Conrad, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. BEN CARDIN (D-MD):“President Obama has given us a credible blueprint…” (Sen. Cardin, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. KAY HAGAN (D-NC):“…a good start.” (Sen. Hagan, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. HERB KOHL (D-WI): “The President's budget is a good first step…” (Sen. Kohl, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY):“… the President’s budget provides a good place to start the conversation.”(Sen. Gillibrand, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): “…the President’s budget provides a good blueprint for achieving many of our shared goals.” (Sen. Blumenthal, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. FRANK LAUTENBERG (D-NJ):“President Obama’s budget presents a careful evaluation of what our nation needs...” (Sen. Lautenberg Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. MAX BAUCUS (D-MT):“The President's budget… strengthens our economy...” (U.S. Senate, Finance Committee, Hearing, 2/16/11)

SEN. SHERROD BROWN (D-OH): “The President’s budget proposal will put us on track…” (Sen. Brown, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. AL FRANKEN (D-MN):“The President's budget proposal is headed in the right direction…” (Sen. Franken, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. TOM HARKIN (D-IA): “…the President has proposed a balanced approach…” (Sen. Harkin, Press Release, 2/14/11)

SEN. TOM UDALL (D-NM): “… it's a solid starting point.” (Sen. Udall, Press Release, 2/14/11)

Meanwhile, Paul Ryan is on the offensive, explaining why his plan is crucial to restoring America to a fiscally sustainable path -- which the (nonexistent) Democratic plan, by definition, fails to do:


Even former President Bill Clinton is admonishing his fellow Democrats, "hey guys, you need to offer something:"