
Fox Business Tonight: Discussing the GOP Debate & Obama's Jobs Plan

For those who may be interested, I'll be swinging by Fox Business Network's Willis Report tonight -- live from Boston -- to help break down last night's Republican debate.  My segment will air right at the top of the show around 5pm ET.  We may also get around to discussing President Obama's "jobs" plan, which the Democrat-controlled Senate failed to pass last night.  Republicans deserve most of the credit for nixing the terrible proposal, but their efforts were aided by several Democratic defectors.  The media, of course, is trying to blame everything on the awful, terrible, uncaring GOP.  Someone should remind them that Republicans have continually offered to vote on President Obama's bill (including his previously rejected pay-fors), but Harry Reid has objected every time.  Why?  Because he knows he doesn't have the requisite 50 votes to pass it -- in a chamber controlled by the president's own party.  Hope that precedent-exploding, gratuitous rule change was worth it, chump. 

Speaking of the Willis Report, here's a clip of my recent appearance on the show, during which we discussed the Solyndra scandal:

That exchange took place before new revelations surfaced that Solyndra may just be the tip of the rotten loans iceberg, that concerns over the legality of refinancing Solyndra's loan were ignored, and that another Obama donor pushed the loan from the inside, despite a clear conflict of interest.  The now-infamous internal OMB email worrying that the administration had placed even worse taxpayer-financed, "green energy" bets than Solyndra is looking especially prescient today.  Matt Boyle reports:

As failed solar panel manufacturer Solyndra rides through the investigative ringer in Congress, revelations of another politically-connected company that received what appears to be a less-than-virtuous $1.2 billion loan guarantee are surfacing.  The company, SunPower, received its $1.2 billion loan guarantee in September, immediately before the program’s deadline.

SunPower isn’t as financially sound as the public was led to believe when it secured a loan guarantee twice the size of Solyndra’s $535 million loan. Just this week — less than a month after taxpayers landed on the hook for SunPower’s $1.2 billion loan guarantee — company executives announced that they expect to lower their 2011 earnings projections.  The company also carries $820 million in debt, which is $20 million more than its market capitalization.

And there's likely more fun yet to come.