
I'm on Blog Talk Radio With the Captain

I'm editing and uploading video at the moment, but here I am talking politics with Capt. Ed. this morning.

The rally-'round-McCain message has been pretty strong here the past couple of days what with John Bolton, Tom Coburn, and George Will telling conservatives to suck it up and not give into their Coulteresque desires for self-destruction by way of Hillary.

George Will's speech was moving, funny, and just exactly what I think people need to hear right now. He opened with the idea that we have a set of rules by which we choose candidates. "John McCain played by those rules and he won," and it doesn't reflect well on us or serve any purpose to sulk. "It did Achilles no good to sulk in his tent," he said.

I'll type up my thoughts on it today, but wanted to get this post up before I had to edit video.