
Down to the Wire: Wisconsin Senate Race

Rasmussen came out with a new poll for the U.S. Senate race in Wisconsin over the weekend showing Republican Tommy Thompson 1 point ahead of Democrat Rep. Tammy Baldwin. However, the data was collected before the two faced off in their final debate on Friday. The race has been tight for much of October.

Particulary of interest in the Rasmussen survey was this fact about independents: "Among voters not affiliated with either party, Thompson has a four-point advantage."

Neither candidate has been afraid to take a few swings at their opponent, as the local TV station reports:

Both sides and their allies broke spending records driving home messages trying to paint Democrat Tammy Baldwin as an extremist and Republican Tommy Thompson as someone who’s not for Wisconsin anymore.

The infusion of nearly $50 million on mostly negative television advertising dominated the tone and tenor of the race.