
The Lila Rose Story

Have you heard about Lila Rose? I've read various news stories about her, not always flattering, and she spoke at the FRC's summit Saturday morning.

Rose is 20-year old student activist at UCLA who has gone undercover to Planned Parenthood to expose the organization's willingness to convince young, pregnant women to have abortions. In one stunt, Rose secretly recorded phone calls to Planned Parenthood, asking if she could make a donation that could be earmarked to abort black babies.

Planned Parenthood fundraisers eagerly accepted the donation. Rose put all the videos like this up on YouTube, there are six, but YouTube has since removed the videos.

"We must tell the public the story of the abortion culture in new and creative ways," Rose said. She asked FRC attendees to blog about her work and find other outlets to promote her expose.

Rose unveiled her newest video at the summit, where she went to a Planned Parentood pretending she needed an abortion. She told medical staff she was 13 years old and her boyfriend was "probably 31." A Planned Parenthood nurse told her "I don't want to hear the age" so she did not have to report a crime.

"So that's that problem, solved," the nurse told Rose, dimissing any criminal charges on behalf of Rose's fake 31 year-old boyfriend.

In the videos, Rose captured another Planned Parenthood nurse directing her to abortion clinics across state lines, although it is illegal to transport a minor across state lines fo the purpose of an abortion.

"You wil be brought to justice," Rose said defiantly. "And you Planned Parenthood will be defunded."

Planned Parenthood recieves approximately $100 million in government funding per year and has never been convicted of a crime.