
Taking A Stand For Free Speech, In The Name of Muhammad

After Comedy Central censored South Park's planned depiction of Muhammad as a furry bear, a Seattle cartoonist declared May 20th "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day." The cartoonist, Molly Norris, was overwhelmed by the response — so overwhelmed, in fact, that she canceled the plan.  Here the message from her website:

I am NOT involved in "Everybody Draw Mohammd Day!" I made a cartoon that went viral and I am not going with it. Many other folks have used my cartoon to start sites, etc. Please go to them as I am a private person who draws stuff

Norris said she never meant disrespect, but simply wanted to bring attention to media censorship. She was outraged after South Park received death threats over their planned depiction of Muhammad, and even more outraged when Comedy Central pulled the plug.