
Mike Castle: No, I Won't Switch Parties

The Delaware Republican Senate primary is generating a fair amount of Beltway buzz this week as the media attempts to highlight other races that could mirror the shocker transpiring in Alaska.  Could upstart conservative Christine O'Donnell shock the chattering class by taking down presumptive GOP nominee Rep. Mike Castle?  If an upset is brewing, an August 2nd report from Red State's Erick Erickson could prove instrumental, if not decisive. 

The well-connected Erickson cited rumors that Castle has conspired with Delaware Democrats to switch parties and resign the Senate seat relatively early into his truncated term (the November 2nd Senate contest is technically a special election in Delaware).  As the allegation goes, this would pave the way for Vice President Joe Biden's son, Beau, to be appointed to his father's old seat, as the 71-year-old Castle coasts into retirement.  Although there appears to be no hard evidence of this agreement at this time, the rumor has persisted in the blogosphere.

Castle spokeswoman Kate Dickens categorically denied the report today when contacted by, refusing to even categorize it as such.  "That rumor is made up," she said.  "It's ridiculous."  Dickens said Castle will remain a Republican for the rest of his public life and considers the matter settled.

See how the O'Donnell camp responded to the report, and read the full story HERE.