
"No More Excuses" - Congress Forced to Act on Energy

The Democrats have had more than enough time to unveil their "commonsense plan" to reign in energy prices. Having failed, Republicans have taken the lead.

House Republicans have proposed a plan to lower energy costs with a series of supply-oriented bills and we’re filing discharge petitions to circumvent the roadblocks erected by Democratic leadership and bring this bipartisan legislation to the House floor.

Each of the seven bills is specifically crafted to lower the price of gas and other energy sources by increasing American-made energy, decreasing our dependence on foreign oil and creating jobs here at home in the process.

This morning, Republicans formally introduced a petition that would force immediate consideration of the No More Excuses Energy Act (H.R. 3089) – legislation that will reduce the price of gas by expanding U.S. refining capacity, unlocking America’s homegrown energy reserves, and encouraging the use of clean alternative energy.

In order for this bill to bypass committee where it’s bottled up by Democrat chairmen and move to the floor for debate, two-thirds of the House must sign the petition.

At least we'll now get to see who is serious about our energy concerns, and who is paying mere lip service.

Stay tuned...