
Palin Takes On Elections Next Week

She already made her bombshell announcement supporting Doug Hoffman in NY-23. Now, she's taking to task Jon Corzine in New Jersey and Creigh Deeds in Virginia. In a sweeping endorsement, she spoke about Corzine and McDonell's tax policy:
[New Jersey] has the highest tax burden in the country and the incumbent Democrat governor has only added to the economic burden. He eliminated property tax rebates for middle class homeowners while the sales tax increased... It’s no surprise that New Jersey has the highest unemployment rate in the region!
Then in Virginia, there is a clear difference between Republican Bob McDonnell and his liberal opponent. Republican Bob McDonnell is fighting for cheaper American energy and lower taxes, while his opponent wants to raise taxes and, amazingly, even bragged about having more earmarks than any other state legislator. Bob McDonnell...opposes some heavy-handed union leadership efforts that could ultimately hurt employers and employees.
Read the whole thing on Facebook.