
Pelosi Taking Prospect Of Government Shutdown Very Seriously--in Massachusetts?

Where, pray tell, was our intrepid former Speaker this afternoon, as the entire Beltway body politic was frantically seeking a deal to prevent a looming partial federal shutdown?  In Massachusetts delivering a speech about her legacy as Speaker, of course!  Although some cynics may accuse Mme. Pelosi of backwards priorities, I'd offer several points in her defense: (1) Pelosi's mere presence during any delicate negotiations may have produced a negative effect -- one never knows if she might have started erroneously screeching about Republicans starving seniors, or some such counterproductive nonsense.  (2) Her priorities still aren't as woefully out of touch as another member of her caucus:

With a government shutdown looming, Capitol Hill was a pretty serious place on Wednesday afternoon.

But for Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.), what better way to ease the tension than with a congressional ladies personal shopping trip in Arlington, Va.?

According to an email from Brown’s scheduler titled, “Outing with Congresswoman Corrine Brown,” staff member Cathy Gass invited Brown’s fellow female Congressional Black Caucus members to join the lawmaker at a boutique in Crystal City, Va. on Wednesday afternoon.

(3) Pelosi's unique brand of nuance isn't particularly essential when other Democrats are more than happy to hold high the torch of insane demagoguery in her stead: