
House Again Moves to Strip NPR of Funding

Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor are set to hold a vote today on a measure proposed by Colorado Rep. Doug Lamborn to defund NPR. The House has made an attempt to defund the public media outlet in the past but has been unsuccessful. However, with the recent surfacing of undercover videos showing NPR executives is a negative light in addition to a dire financial situation in Washington, the House GOP may be successful this time in their attempts, but, the measure is sure to die once it gets kicked over to the Senate.

UPDATE: Democrats debating the 7-page defund NPR measure on the House floor are complaining they don't have enough time to read it. As Kevin said earlier, a year ago democrats pushed through ObamaCare, legislation that was over 2,000 pages long and said it was a waste of time to read the entire thing.