
Good News: Ron and Rand Paul Both Running for President? UPDATE: Sharron Angle, too?

This presidential rumor could lead to some awkward family dinners, if true:

Freshman Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) dropped hints last week that he could make an underdog run at the White House in 2012.

If he does, he may wind up running against his dad.

Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian-leaning Republican from Texas, will speak in Iowa next month at a presidential lecture series for the Family Leader, a social conservative activist group. It’s another signal Mr. Paul is pondering his third run at the White House.

The outspoken lawmaker, who has said he wants to dismantle the Federal Reserve, ran as a Libertarian in 1988 and as a Republican in 2008.

Can you believe the gall of Rand Paul -- a mere Senate freshman -- entertaining the notion that he may have what it takes to run for president in just a few short years?

UPDATE:  Is America prepared for President Sharron Angle?

Sharron Angle may have failed to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in 2010, but the loss hasn't stifled her political ambitions. In December, Angle launched the Patriot Caucus PAC to help the Tea Party get organized in advanced of the 2012 election. The new PAC is scheduled to open offices in Florida, Iowa, and New Hampshire in early 2011.

Some are speculating that Angle may even be planning to run for president in 2012, a rumor she neither confirmed nor denied at a recent event in Iowa.

Angle's verbatim quote to the Des Moines Register on a possible presidential bid: "I have lots of options for the future, and I'm investigating all my options."  Angle is an extraordinarily nice woman, but she failed to unseat a profoundly unpopular incumbent in a very auspicious political environment last year.  If she envisions a path to victory for herself at the presidential level, I'd love to hear those details.