
Santorum Picks Up Big Endorsement From Pro-Life Group

The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List (SBA) has endorsed Rick Santorum for the GOP presidential nomination. SBA has been a powerful political force in the past and had a huge impact on bringing pro-life conservatives to Washington in the 2010 midterm elections. 

“Among the field of strong pro-life candidates in the GOP primary, one stands out as a proven leader in this great human and civil rights cause of our time.  Rick Santorum communicates the vision and has exhibited the strategic and tactical prowess the pro-life movement must have in order to succeed.  Women and children deserve his leadership, grounded as it is in affirming the dignity of every person.  At this inflection point in the primary process and a tipping point in history on the abortion issue, the Susan B. Anthony List endorses Rick Santorum for the Republican nomination for President,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of SBA List.